Galerie P60 – quarks

Wo: Galerie P60, Pariser Str. 60, Berlin, Germany

Wann: 06 – 22 July 2023

Quarks are the essence of the universe.

The subtle that reverberates and resonates shapes our perceivable reality.

Light and lightness, space, tenderness … play and intensity permeate me and my paintings again and again.

Everything around us is connected and we can choose where to put our attention. The positive feelings, thoughts, and actions nourish us on the path to feeling happy, healthy, and whole. They let us accept the dark side and allow change. We can be open and touchable and live in the moment.

Our wishes and dreams are given space – we can vibrate with them and resonate with them.

… a trail that I follow.

I invite you to gallery P60, which gives my pictures and me space.

I would be very happy to see you.



Fotos: Andrea Schletz