Uferhallen Manifest Open Studios

Wo: Uferhallen
Uferstraße 8 – 11
13357 Berlin

Wann: 10 – 11 Oktober 2020

I opened my studio as part of the Uferhallen exhibition Manifest. I was thrilled by the exchange with the visitors and the perception of what is created here – especially that my intention is also received in exactly the same way by the people and that the core of my work is transferred.

Lightness, light, space and warmth are the basis of my work. The colours are so finely nuanced that they connect with the space and expand it – also in their consistency. A fine transparency is created that triggers an attraction, raises questions and invites you to get involved and immerse yourself in the vibration of the images.

The exhibition series of the Uferhallen deals with the competition for displacement and densification and the question of what consequences this will have for the culture of the city.
My studio is a free space in which something can emerge out of itself, out of inner necessity and the processing of social developments – unadapted and original.

Like many artists, I am also concerned with the question of how can I
work and live when this free space is no longer affordable.