Freeform Painting – a Project
erstererster erstererster ist ein heller Raum für Kunst, Design und Neues Arbeiten. erstererster ist auch eine Community, bestehend aus Kreativ- und Kulturschaffenden. Die Lage ist gut zugänglich, mitten im lebendigen Helmholtz-Kiez. Im Rahmen ihrer Ausschreibung für gemeinnützige Projekte wurde mein Freeform PaintingTM Projekt von erstererster ausgewählt. Der Verein stellt mir die Galerie-Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung, um die […]
Das Taggenberg
I’m thrilled that Irene and Filip Strobl, who run the Taggenberg together, have chosen me and Gauthier Cerf Gauthier Cerf to exhibit in the restaurant and showroom. Exhibited Works The exhibition is still being planned. The exhibited works will be displayed here soon. Opening hours 22 Oktober 2024 – 31 May 2025 Tue – Fri 11:30 – […]
BAW / Uferhallen Open Studios 2024
The Uferhallen are an important production and presentation location for art and culture in Berlin and, in addition to studios, also accommodate dance and rehearsal rooms, recording studios, a concert hall and an exhibition hall, workshops, restaurants and a wide range of event rooms. More than 150 artists live and work on the site and with […]
Foto Gallery Fotos: Copyright/Courtesy
Cross Border Passion Artedia Concept Art Expo
Cross Border Passion Press ReleaseFour meditations, different ways to immerse oneself in the labyrinths of form, on the borders of fragmentation, frequenting the regions and reasons of abstraction, between the invocation of purity and impulses of emotion. At the civic Manzoni 44, present in the Da Wan store, the works of four international artists invited […]
ARTE Genova 2024
ARTE Genova is taking place for the 18th time this year. As a large exhibition of modern and contemporary art, it reaches a broad, international audience with over 20,000 visitors. Diana Maria Pérez, managing director of the Artedia Gallery, invited me to show some of my works at ARTE Genova in Pavillion B, Stand 46, […]
Little Treasures 2023
Trevisan International Art presents its unique exhibition Little Treasures for the 16th time at the exhbition space Galleria de Marchi in the center of Bologna. Little Treasures is curated by the experienced art expert Paola Trevisan. The exhibition shows exclusively small works of art in 20×20 cm format. The small format is not new to […]
Swiss Art Expo 2023
For five days, the SBB event hall in Zurich’s main train station is Switzerland’s art mecca. The Swiss Art Expo art festival presented by Artboxy will take place there from September 6 to 10, 2023, where 80,000 daily passers-by can admire contemporary art from all over the world. Foto courtesy of SwissArtExpo / Artboxy.Groups Das […]
Uferhallen Open Studios 2023
The Uferhallen are an important production and presentation location for art and culture in Berlin and, in addition to studios, also accommodate dance and rehearsal rooms, recording studios, a concert hall and an exhibition hall, workshops, restaurants and a wide range of event rooms. More than 150 artists live and work on the site and […]