Frequently Asked Questions

The Uferhallen are an important production and presentation location for art and culture in Berlin and, in addition to studios, also accommodate dance and rehearsal rooms, recording studios, a concert hall and an exhibition hall, workshops, restaurants and a wide range of event rooms. More than 150 artists live and work on the site and with several […]

Galerie P60 – quarks

Quarks are the essence of the universe. The subtle that reverberates and resonates shapes our perceivable reality. Light and lightness, space, tenderness … play and intensity permeate me and my paintings again and again. Everything around us is connected and we can choose where to put our attention. The positive feelings, thoughts, and actions nourish […]

Berlin Art Week Garden

The Berlin Art Week has its base in 2022 on the grounds of the Uferhallen. The Uferhallen Studios show a group exhibition on the theme On Equal Terms, which deals with the relationship between art and capital.   Art is just as existential as capital “With the image “On Equal Terms”, the Berlin artist Steffi […]

CARRO Oerlikon-Zürich

CARRO, that is the old car body workshop in Oerlikon, and today a home for artists and architecture students who create their thesis. CARRO, this is an ideal venue for a pop-up exhibition. I am pleased to be able to show my pictures here for the first time in Switzerland, together with Gauthier Cerf.

OUT NOW Open Studios

OUT NOW. … when there is no more free space for art – but emptiness. What happens then? 2020 and 2021 was Lockdown – it was quiet. Quiet like it had never been before. “Patience”, “Being There”, “Empty and Self”, “What Remains”, “Peace”, “Soul Food” and “Lifted” have been created in a series that takes […]

On Equal Terms Open Studios

The theme of the exhibition is On Equal Terms. This work was created for this purpose: A picture “On Equal Terms?”, a picture-sculpture “Unequal Terms” and a text written by Gauthier Cerf for it. The joint work and research on the relationship between art and capital and their mutual condition and independence was the core […]